Tomboys in Dresses

These girls. After waiting for what seemed like hours while they got ready for their photos..looking for just the right dress, helping each other with their hair, they were finally ready to go. 

So we get there, and I'm getting my camera ready and the next thing I know, they were splashing around in a shallow area of overflow from a lake after a previous rainfall. I couldn't figure out why in the world they would be running around in that.. smelly water. But then I saw why. There was dozens of baby fish that had been washed out with the overflow flopping all over the place. They were picking up these fish (saving them) and placing them back into the deeper water. By the time they got all the fish back to the safety of deeper water, that hair they spent hours on, was a mess. (But boy did I like it even better. It was more natural.) Those dresses, soaked and smelling like fish. That I didn't like so much. But the excitement they were feeling from saving all those fish. Priceless.