Up close with nature

I have this very fond memory from when I was a little girl. Across the street from where I lived was acres of lush woods. I would spend what seemed hours to me walking among the green ferns and wild flowers. One day, after a good rain, my siblings and I headed out for a walk in those woods. 

I remember on that particular day seeing these tiny raindrops hanging from the tips of the fern fronds. It was such a magical site to me. It was so intriguing to be experiencing such delicacies of nature. I was hooked. As I kept walking, my eyes focused on the smallest aspects of nature, I saw something so amazing. I can still this amazing miracle of nature in my mind to this day. It was even more remarkable than those tiny raindrops hanging from the ferns. 
Dangling from another delicate fern frond was a tiny green tree frog. This frog was sooo tiny I don't even know how I managed to see it. Just hanging onto this fern with those two front legs and those tiny frog toes wrapped around that frond and the rest of it's body just hanging there in mid air. As I leaned down to have a closer look we were eye to eye, and, well, if you have ever felt a connection with nature, you can imagine what I was feeling at that moment. 💖
That day in the woods, so many years ago, there was a special connection with nature instilled within me. Especially the nature you have to really slow down for to see. I would imagine that connection has everything to do with my love of capturing the up close and personal side of nature. 😊

Bleeding Heart

English Plaintain - Plantago lanceolata

Black Eyed Susan

Garden phlox

Purple Coneflower

Orange star flower

Orange star flower




Field grass

Maple leaf



Roly poly
Chickweed flowers

Water droplet on blade of grass

Paper whites - Narcissus papyraceus

Shasta daisy

White clover - Trifolium repens, encased in ice